Affordable Secure Project Vehicle Storage

Cars and Trucks
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly - up to 16' in length
$525 for 3 months (SAVE $150)**
​Call your preferred location for availability
*For short term storage, customers need to book an appointment to return before leaving the vehicle with us
**Customers who choose long term storage options need to work on their vehicles in the shop at least 1/month to use our storage services
Oversized Vehicles
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly - over 16' in length
$13/ft/month for 3 months (SAVE $162 on an 18' vehicle)**
​Call your preferred location for availability
*For short term storage, customers need to book an appointment to return before leaving the vehicle with us
**Customers who choose long term storage options need to work on their vehicles in the shop at least 1/month to use our storage services